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Rezekvítek's fields of activity

  • Educational programs


As a part of the project 'Ekoporadna do škol' ('Enviro-advisers to schools') we offer  educational programs and lectures on environmental topics directly in school's classrooms. Groups from schools located outside of the city of Brno may come to us at Rezekvítek.

In the nature reserve Kamenný vrch, we will introduce you to its nature trail and the protected nature in an attractive and playful manner.


  • Project 'Children take care of the nature' (Děti pečují o přírodu)


The project 'Children take care of the nature' motivates the pupils to active care of small-scale protected areas in the city of Brno and its neighborhood. The pupils are actively involved in the administration of a particular area and learn about its fauna and flora with games and tours.


  • Further education of teachers


During the school year, we organize numerous seminars on environmental topics, project preparation and management and, on the use of alternative teaching aids for achieving development of pupils key competences.

Toulavý autobus (Roaming Bus) is a tour to school gardens and natural science classrooms organized every year in cooperation with Chaloupky and Lipka. This event is an inspiration for teachers willing to build, renovate or improve their school gardens.


  • Advisor center for schools


Rezekvítek offers consultations on incorporation of the interdisciplinary subject of environmental education in school educational programs, especially on preparation and realization of school and class projects. We have helped many schools with renovation of their school gardens and incorporating of their use in school educational programs.

We are consultants of the project Na zelenou - Bezpečné cesty do škol (On Green Light – Safe Ways to School), which is one of the projects of the Partnership Foundation (Nadace Partnerství) focused on transportation.


  • Rezekvítek Creative Center


Preparation of methodical and environmentally educational publications and innovative teaching aids for environmental education belongs to the long term program of Rezekvítek Creative Center. Currently, we offer about thirty titles of publications and teaching aids.  Here


The following titles were translated into English:


Chytrý provázek (Clever String) – toy and teaching aid developing logical thinking. Here


  • Extracurricular education


Three enviro-clubs for children are run under Rezekvítek and several summer camps are organized every year. Its is rather a marginal activity of Rezekvítek.


  • Education of the broad public


Several educational events for the public and numerous weekend events for volunteers are organized by Rezekvítek every year. Excursions to botanical, geological and other points of interests of the South Moravian Region, the series of excursion to energy sources and dendrological excursions have gained high popularity.



  • Nature care administration


Nature care administration is one of the main fields of Rezekvítek's activity. Rezekvítek takes care for natural protected areas and naturally valuable areas, performs quarry  reclamation and other activities to educational use of these areas.

